Amateur radio stands on the brink of an exciting transformation. Taking a step back from the technology as we know it today, what do you envision in the evolution of Amateur Radio? As technology relentlessly propels society forward, the landscape of amateur radio is poised to undergo significant changes in the next 10, 20, and even 50 years. While predicting the exact path is a formidable task, a glance into the crystal ball reveals a tantalizing glimpse of the potential future that awaits this beloved pastime.

In just a decade, amateur radio is set to ride the crest of the digital revolution. Advanced digital communication modes will reshape the way enthusiasts connect, offering efficient data transmission and robust error correction. Take stock in the momentum that digital modes like FT8 and JS8Call have taken in recent years. Satellite networks will proliferate, turning the heavens into a bustling realm for communication, while the Internet of Things (IoT) will fuse seamlessly with amateur radio, creating a world of remote possibilities. Through the IoT, virtual communities will flourish, fostering a global bond among operators and facilitating collaborative projects like never before. We are seeing the early adoption of the IoT in today’s business world, which fosters not only instant, but virtually current/updated information.

Venturing two decades into the future, amateur radio has the real possibility to enter into a realm of intelligence and autonomy. Cognitive radios, enriched by artificial intelligence, will redefine the art of communication, autonomously selecting optimal frequencies and modes. Propagation prediction algorithms will empower operators with real-time insights, enhancing their ability to adapt to changing conditions. Experimental technologies will infuse an air of enchantment into radio conversations, transcending the limitations of traditional two-dimensional interactions.

Half a Century Forward: Boundless Frontiers

Zooming half a century ahead, the horizons of amateur radio expand into uncharted territory. The possibility of interplanetary communication, allowing enthusiasts to transcend Earth’s boundaries. Wireless communication, with the potential of unrivaled security and instantaneous data transfer, could intertwine with the fabric of amateur radio, elevating it to new heights. As technology evolves, especially at the course and speed as it has in the last decade, we can venture to bet that amateur radio will be at the forefront, pioneering these communication frontiers.

Amidst the wave of technological progress and innovation, amateur radio retains its unwavering commitment to its core values. Holding true to these core values will remain non-negotiable to keep direction and focus on the integrity of the service. The vital role of emergency communication and community engagement remains intact, anchoring the hobby in its rich history. Even as new technologies emerge, a renewed interest in traditional communication modes may bloom, like analog, preserving the charm and nostalgia of yesteryears. At the same time, too, will autopatch make a comeback?

The future of amateur radio beckons with promises of uncharted territory and unprecedented possibilities. A harmonious dance between tradition and innovation will guide this evolution, ensuring that the time-honored essence of amateur radio remains intact. As we gaze into the crystal ball, we catch glimpses of digital wonders, cognitive marvels, and beyond – a testament to the enduring spirit of connection that has driven amateur radio for generations. Today is no better time to not only get on the air, but try a new mode. That new mode does not mean the newest of the modes, but a mode new to you, like CW. Maybe, just maybe, you could be at the forefront of preserving the charm.

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

Amidst the rapid advancements in modern technology, there is a timeless hobby that continues to thrive and bring people together—amateur radio. At the heart of this vibrant PRA community are the ham radio operators who not only uphold the spirit of communication but also play a crucial role in welcoming and integrating new members. This month, we explore the significance of ham radio operators embracing and supporting newcomers, fostering an environment of growth, learning, and camaraderie.

Nurturing the Tradition

Ham radio has a rich history dating back over a century, built on the principles of exploration, experimentation, and emergency communication. Within the PRA, for the past 10-years, we put a deep focus on welcoming new members. By doing so, we can ensure the continuity of this cherished tradition. The guidance and support provided by experienced operators to our newcomers help preserve the essence of amateur radio and pass on valuable knowledge from one generation to the next.

Sharing Knowledge and Expertise

Amateur radio is a vast and diverse field, encompassing various interests and specialties, just as our membership is vast and diverse. Seasoned operators have a wealth of experience and technical expertise that can greatly benefit those new to the amateur radio service. By welcoming new members and sharing their knowledge, ham radio operators create an environment where individuals can develop their skills, explore different facets of the hobby, and find their unique niche within the amateur radio community.

Cultivating a Culture of Learning

Embracing new members within the ham radio community fosters a culture of continuous learning. The influx of fresh ideas, perspectives, and approaches from newcomers injects vitality and innovation into the not only within the PRA, but the hobby itself. By providing mentorship, organizing workshops (like Elmer Night), and engaging in knowledge-sharing activities, experienced operators not only help new members grow but also enhance their own understanding of amateur radio through meaningful exchanges. Growth by sharing; that is the payoff of giving of our time and talents freely to support the treasures in others and ourselves.

Strengthening the Network

Ham radio has always played a vital role in emergency communications during natural disasters, emergencies, and times of crisis. By actively welcoming new members, operators expand the network of capable communicators who can lend assistance when it is needed most. In times of disaster, the collective knowledge and skills of ham radio operators, both seasoned and newly initiated, become an invaluable resource for public safety agencies and the wider community.

Building Camaraderie and Community

At its core, ham radio is a social hobby, where connections are made and friendships are forged. By embracing new members, ham radio operators nurture a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the community. Welcoming newcomers ensures that the hobby remains inclusive, diverse, and welcoming to individuals from all walks of life, fostering an atmosphere of mutual support, respect, and friendship. If you have been a part of the PRA for a while, or maybe a short period of time, you know that connections and friendships are deeply rooted in our organization.

Amateur Radio is a timeless hobby that thrives on the passion and dedication of its operators. The members of the PRA are a great example of this passion and dedication. By embracing and welcoming new members, ham radio operators ensure the hobby’s continued growth, preservation of tradition, and the development of a vibrant community. Through mentorship, knowledge-sharing, and fostering a culture of learning, seasoned operators play an essential role in shaping the future of amateur radio. Sharing of our time, talent, and treasures has such a tremendous impact on those interested in ham radio. Be an ambassador to the amateur radio service by sharing your time and talents so that others may gain treasures from you. Let us open our arms and embrace the newcomers, for they bring fresh ideas, energy, and enthusiasm, ensuring that the spirit of ham radio remains strong for generations to come.

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

Amateur radio has long been a cornerstone of global communication. As we know, it is an exciting hobby that allows us to explore the world of wireless technology, develop vital communication skills, and engage in communication preparedness. However, as the landscape of communication rapidly evolves, it is essential to ensure the continued growth and relevance of amateur radio. One of the keys to achieving this lies in involving youth and emphasizing the importance of learning and mentoring. This month, we will explore how to build the future of amateur radio by inspiring young minds and fostering a supportive community.

As we progress into the digital age, it is crucial to introduce amateur radio to young people and harness their enthusiasm for technology. With their innate curiosity, adaptability, and proficiency in using various devices, youth bring a fresh perspective to the hobby. Encouraging their involvement in amateur radio can inspire innovative ideas and infuse the community with new energy. The bottom line is that today’s youth embrace technology and competitive situations better than previous generations; with that, both sides have a great opportunity to learn.

Schools, community organizations, and amateur radio clubs can play a pivotal role in introducing young people to the world of ham radio. The PRA has been organizing workshops, presentations, and hands-on activities for several years, and we have successfully sparked their interest and demonstrate the fascinating aspects of this hobby. The next step is to incorporate amateur radio into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education can help young learners understand the practical applications of these subjects and foster a deeper appreciation for wireless communication.

To build a solid foundation for the future of amateur radio, learning is paramount. Learning extends beyond just obtaining technical knowledge; it encompasses developing communication skills, fostering critical thinking, and embracing lifelong learning. By providing young people with opportunities to learn and explore different aspects of amateur radio, we equip them with valuable skills that transcend the hobby itself.

Amateur radio offers a wealth of learning opportunities, such as understanding electronics, antenna design, and radio propagation. By diving into these areas, youth can enhance their understanding of technology, learn problem-solving techniques, and gain insights into the fundamental principles of physics and engineering. Moreover, amateur radio provides ample chances for learning about geography, history, and cultural exchange, as operators communicate with fellow enthusiasts from around the world.

Mentoring is a key component of nurturing the future of amateur radio. Experienced operators, enthusiasts, and educators have a unique opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with younger individuals. Mentoring relationships foster personal growth, provide guidance in navigating the intricacies of the hobby, and help young operators develop a sense of belonging within the amateur radio community.

Mentors can offer guidance on technical aspects, provide hands-on training, and inspire youth to explore different facets of amateur radio. They can encourage young operators to participate in contests, build their own equipment, or get involved in public service activities where amateur radio plays a critical role in emergency communication. Within the PRA, our monthly Elmering sessions have been a great opportunity for new hams, of any age, to get this hands on training and guidance. Our Elmering Team, led by Jerry-AG7U and Brad-W0BDT have supported our learning experiences by having great workshops on several topics on amateur radio at a basic, easy to learn environment.

Furthermore, mentoring is not limited to one-on-one relationships. Just like the PRA, amateur radio clubs and organizations can establish mentorship programs, pairing experienced operators with young enthusiasts. These programs can facilitate knowledge exchange, foster a supportive community, and ensure the continuity of the hobby for years to come.

Building the future of amateur radio relies on our ability to engage and inspire youth, emphasize the importance of learning, and foster mentoring relationships. By introducing young people to the captivating world of ham radio, we can tap into their enthusiasm, bring in new perspectives, and ensure the hobby’s continued growth and relevance in the digital era. By providing learning opportunities and creating a nurturing environment, we equip the next generation with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the evolving landscape of communication. Together, let us embark on a journey to build a vibrant future for amateur radio.

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

Every year, on the fourth full weekend in June, amateur radio enthusiasts across North America come together for an event that is equal parts fun, excitement, and community spirit. Known as ARRL Field Day, this 24-hour emergency communications exercise is one of the most highly anticipated events on the ham radio calendar, offering a unique opportunity to test skills, build camaraderie, and make connections with other hams from around the world. If you have not participated in a PRA Field Day, you’re invited to be part of this amazing annual event for our organization.

At its core, Field Day is all about preparedness. During the event, the PRA Field Day team will set up and operate two HF stations and one VHF station using batteries, and other backup power sources to simulate the conditions that might arise during a real-world emergency. The goal is to demonstrate the effectiveness of amateur radio as a reliable and resilient communications tool, even when other forms of communication have been disrupted.

Field Day is much more than just a serious exercise in emergency preparedness. It’s also a chance for PRA members to show off their skills and equipment, make new friends, and have a whole lot of fun. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new ham just getting started, there’s something for everyone at Field Day with the PRA. Even if you are not licensed, we can guide, coach, and mentor you to get on the air and make your first ham radio contacts!

One of the most exciting aspects of Field Day is the opportunity to make contacts with other stations around the world. Throughout the event, radio operators use a variety of different modes and frequencies to make as many contacts as possible within the 24-hour time frame. Even though it is technically “not a contest,” competing against other clubs and individuals to see who can make the most contacts and earn the highest scores gives some fun and competitiveness to the weekend.

But even if you’re not a competitive type, there’s plenty of fun to be had at Field Day. The PRA has members of all ages and skill levels that can participate in activities like fox hunts (finding hidden transmitters), antenna building, and more. And with so many stations set up in close proximity, there’s always a chance to learn something new and connect with other enthusiasts. Even family members that are not radio aficionados have fun in making new friends. We even have a close proximity to good fishing and some amazing hiking trails.

Perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of Field Day is the sense of community that it fosters. Truly, the PRA is a family from all walks of life and backgrounds come together to share their knowledge, skills, and experiences, building friendships and connections that can last a lifetime. And with so many activities to choose from, there’s always something new and exciting to explore not only within amateur radio, but Field Day.

In short, ARRL Field Day is an event that every ham radio enthusiast should experience at least once. Whether you’re looking to test your emergency preparedness skills, make new friends, or just have a whole lot of fun, there’s no better way to do it than at the PRA Field Day. So mark your calendars for the fourth weekend in June (23rd/24th/25th) and get ready for an unforgettable experience that you won’t soon forget!

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

As we start the month of April, there are a few significant changes that will impact most amateur radio operators across the United States. For this month’s column, we will highlight those changes and what steps you will need to take to ensure you stay current in your amateur radio operating activities and license status. These changes are far reaching and will require all of us to consider our plan to execute on these changes timely.

Morse Code Requirements: The FCC announced this morning, 4/1, that it will be requiring all license classes to have proficiency in Morse Code. For current Technicians, you will have until 4/1 of next year to test at VEC for 7 words per minute in order to keep your license current. For General class licenses, you will be required to show proficiency for 17 words per minute. For current General classes licensees, you too will also have until 4/1 of next year to complete this proficiency through a VEC. For Extra class licensees, you will exempt from Morse Code Proficiency requirements, however, you will be required to elmer at least one Technician or General class licensee at accompany them to the FCC Code proficiency exam to sign off on their capabilities to test and pass these exams. If your candidate does not pass, your Extra class license will be downgraded to General and you will be required to take the Morse Code exam only after you have an Elmer accompany you to that re-testing. Again, these changes must be completed by 4/1 of next year.

Digital Endorsements: On top of these FCC Code requirement announcement announced on 4/1, the FCC also implemented requirements for those that operate any digital mode like DMR, Fusion, D-Star, P25, FT-x, etc. (excluding Morse Code) to apply for a Digital Endorsement to their license. This Digital Endorsement will be required to operate any digital mode, including operation via hotspot or internet based systems. Unlike the Morse Code proficiency testing requirements, the FCC Digital Endorsement will be done through an annual application via the ULS annually. Fees are being finalized on this annual endorsement, but tentative ranges in FCC fees will range from $26 to $57 annually. Each operator will be emailed an affidavit from the FCC Field Office in Boulder for an opt-in or opt-out choice. If you choose to opt-out, you will not be permitted to operate any digital mode, except for CW. Should you opt-in, you will be directed to the ULS PayPal link for your annual payment. Failure to comply will be met through ARRL Sanctions & Punishment Committee (SPC Committee) hearings at the Rocky Mountain Division’s Annual Wouff Hong ceremonies.

Again, these changes are major for each amateur radio operator in the United States. If you made it this far in this monthly column, please note the date it was written, April 1st, and I hope you enjoyed the laugh of such nonsense of these farcical ramblings.

Now, go get on the air, participate and enjoy the fun opportunities of amateur radio!

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

For the growth of the amateur radio hobby/service, there is no magic bullet. There are countless discussions on how to promote and grow amateur radio. In particular, there is a tremendous focus on youth involvement and there are some strong beliefs that amateur radio needs to become more youth oriented for long term sustainability. Keep in mind that in today’s day and age, adolescents, teens and young adults have many, many more technology and communication options at their disposal than this same age bracket had just ten years ago. When we think about amateur radio’s future and potential for growth, there is no magic bullet that will provide a single source of long term sustainability.

When the PRA was formed in 2014, we were highly encouraged to be a focused club that had something it was known for that would attract members. At first, that focus was a bit out of our reach because we needed to not only find our identity, but our purpose as a brand new organization. We tried a lot of different things to see what worked and what did not work. It took a little time for us to figure out that a one-size fits all approach would never work. What we did find out is that by encouraging member involvement in presentations, planning, formation of committees and allowing individual ideas to be supported to flourish, we found quickly that we could do a lot with a broad audience where people not only felt welcomed, but truly a part of a social group.

Since our start in 2014, the PRA has grown to over 275 members. There is not one solo focus that made the PRA successful other than a passion to get know people. Getting to know our guests and members has allowed us to not only meet people where they are in the amateur radio journey, but make them feel plugged in, included, and in a safe environment where any and all questions regarding ham radio are met with understanding and a level of humbleness. I am astounded at the number of keyboard warriors and angry/sad hams that exist on many of the popular ham radio forums and on the air. Thankfully, steering away from those discussion topics or using the large VFO knob on my radio changes the frequency. Unfortunately, this very small percentage of people can do damage to the perception of the strong majority of great amateur radio operators and ham radio itself. Don’t get me wrong, constructive criticism is important and necessary for improvement and growth. However, every amateur radio operator has always started as the new ham in the room. Surely, as the new ham in the room, that can be intimidating, particularly when you do not know a single person in the room. All is takes is one single introduction to break that intimidating environment quickly. “Hi, I’m Dan, N2SRK…great to meet you. Is this your first time at a meeting? We’re glad you’re here. Let me introduce you to my friend Brian, WA0R.” A simple 60-second conversation can make or break someone’s impression of amateur radio. It is always good to do a self inventory and ask yourself, “how well am I presenting myself and making people feel welcomed?”

The PRA is a group that can be defined very easily when it comes to amateur radio; WE DO STUFF. There is not one particular focus, but a variety of activities, events, teaching/learning opportunities that all focus around the active promotion of the amateur radio service. Doing a variety of things, with amateur radio at the core, promotes and encourages involvement. It becomes obvious that there is no magic bullet to grow amateur radio. What does become important is that our decisions, as individual operators, members of the PRA, committee involvement or Leadership, is that our decisions are focused on what is good and right for amateur radio. May we continue to be the amateur radio club that continually meets people where they are in their ham radio journey.

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

For three decades, I have been an amateur radio operator. Ham radio was introduced to me by a middle school science teacher who captured my imagination with this hobby by creating the mystery of the airwaves. When we stop and think about it, it is truly magical how our voice or digital signal is not only transmitted, but received and deciphered by another radio aficionado. After thirty years, that same magic and mystery still captures my imagination and all of this was instilled by one quirky science teacher over thirty years ago…the power of one.

With the recent boom in 10 Meter DX activity, the recent sunspots have given all radio amateurs renewed excitement. When I moved to Colorado 13 years ago, I remember one of my most memorable contacts on 10 meters when band conditions mimic where they are today. Although this contact from 13 years ago may seem basic or routine for many, it is one of my most memorable of mine for a variety of reasons.

Being the grandson of Irish immigrants, since becoming a ham in 1992, I have always wanted to have a confirmed QSO with the Emerald Isle. Such an opportunity was presented to me in October 2011. Gerry, EI9JU, was working a decent North American pile-up for well over an hour. With my rig running 50W into a G5RV, I was having little luck getting through the pile-up. Hearing that Gerry was starting to wear-our from the litany of QSOs that he was having, he happily announced that he had taken his last call and was going to go QRT for the day. In haste, I called, “Gerry, can you hang in for one more?” and gave my call-sign. Gerry obviously had a decision to make; acknowledge the one last desperate call…or he could have just as easily shut his rig off and called it quits after a successful afternoon on the air. How many times have we been presented with this situation not only in our radio activities, but in our lives? How many times have we heard from a child, “just one more story, please? The power of one at hand…

With his delicate Irish brogue, Gerry came back to my call for “just one more.” Feeling like I was making my first ever ham radio contact, my voice was filled with excitement, which I am sure that Gerry could sense. In our short QSO, I explained to Gerry that I have been a ham for two decades (at that time) and he was my first Ireland contact. Once we were able to finish our on-the-air ‘high-five’ for this accomplishment, I told him about the areas where my Grandmother and Grandfather were from in his homeland. What was great to find out was that he lived all not too far from my Grandmother’s home town of Sligo. I thanked Gerry for hanging in for just “one more” as it was a very special contact for me.

Gerry expressed his thanks to me for being involved in a momentous occasion for a fellow ham.
The story does not particularly end there…a few weeks later, on the eve of my birthday, what I had perceived to be a standard birthday card arrived in the mail. Considering it had my address on it with a unique identifier of “USA” at the bottom, I was a bit baffled. Enclosed showed the epitome of class in amateur radio operating. Gerry obviously was well aware of the enormity of my contact with him. He enclosed his QSL card with the message “thanks for giving me a reason to keep the old beam up on the tower.” Obviously, Gerry had some serious thoughts of taking the 10M beam down.

With The Power of One at hand, Gerry showed me the class and dignity that I need to possess in not only my operating skills and ham radio manners, but he showed me how powerful “one more” can be…especially as we associate and help out new, potential, or returning amateur radio operators. At the same time, Gerry will keep his 10M beam up on the tower to give other Emerald Isle seekers the opportunity for the unique contact. Bail ó Dhia ort to you, Gerry…

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

Happy New Year! There is always great optimism on the first day of any given New Year. Whether it is breaking or creating habits, instilling a commitment to be a genuinely nicer person, or simply giving back to the greater common good of our network of family, friends and acquaintances; this day in particular starts a fresh chapter. Even for the PRA, today starts a fresh chapter in our amateur radio journey that over 260 members have opportunities to make their mark. Whether it is an individual or team based goal, you have the opportunity to complete the sentence of what amateur radio will be for you this year. “2023 – The Year of ____________.”

Any member driven organization that is a collection of enthusiasts is able to succeed by being active. So true to my exercise routine, which is one of my resolutions in 2023. Activity takes offering and offering takes activity. You and I both know that we have so much to offer when it comes to amateur radio. You have sensed it for some time now and maybe this sense has been brewing in your spirit for some time now. Whether you are newly licensed or a multi-decade long operator, we all have the opportunity to act, give back, and support the amateur radio storyline. There exists a unique beauty in the simple things that people do to support the PRA. Some of these simple things spark ideas and those ideas are so powerful that simply becoming aware of them can change the positive impact into amateur radio. As one example, look at the success of our monthly Elmer Night. This monthly meeting started as a “what if” idea by Terry-WB3EVZ a few years ago. When Terry presented the idea, a snowball effect of more ideas and responses that were met with a resounding “yes, and…” helped create the massive success of the monthly program. One simple “what if” idea, met with a series of “yes, and…” has allowed a great foundation of learning, mentoring and comradery to grow. There are dozens of examples like this in the PRA storyline.

At the same time, too, your leadership within the PRA appreciates feedback when things are not going so well. We have gotten that feedback a time or two in the last year and when that feedback is given with solutions behind it, action is taken. As Teddy Roosevelt said, “Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining.” Complaining or finding the bad is easy. Complaining with a proposed solution that involves you, that is valuable not only to the PRA, but your fellow amateur radio community as well. I am willing to bet that you have ideas and solutions that are so profoundly simple and astonishingly practical that once you share your time, talents and treasures and be directly a part of that solution, your amateur radio journey will change for the better.

We have an extremely active year ahead for the PRA and you have an amazing opportunity to not only get plugged in, but be an active part of the fun, success, and amazing experiences that are ahead of us. Need an idea on where to start simply? Sign up to be a net control operator once this year. Yes, that sign-up sheet is active and you never know, you may have so much fun being a net control operator, that could launch you into being a net control for one of our public service events. Maybe you have experience in learning CW/Morse Code. What an amazing opportunity to teach others through Elmering! Maybe you are a brand new ham and learned a new way to program your new radio; you will definitely be able to teach our seasoned veterans a thing or two. Bottom line is that your fresh chapter starts today and that brewing in your spirit is calling you to something greater in amateur radio. In a short twelve months, how do you want your amateur radio experience to be summarized? My hope is that you are able to launch your time, talent and treasures into the simple concepts of small actions to create the snowball effect in your amateur radio journey.

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

As we quickly wrap up another calendar year, it is great to reflect back on the progress the PRA has made in living out its mission:

Our mission is serving others in promoting amateur radio in the community and providing the training and support required to become an amateur radio operator. We will develop, enhance and maintain radio systems suitable for providing communications for the benefit of the community; and when requested, to assist civil authorities. We will continue to promote a culture that gives opportunities for amateur radio enthusiasts to socialize, learn, exchange ideas and contribute to the enjoyment of our hobby.

Before you continue reading, I encourage you to get your favorite beverage or make a meal for this month’s column. It’s a long one, but one well worth the price of admission; at least the author agrees.

We kicked off the year with some necessary repeater maintenance in January, which allowed our assets to be used to their full capabilities for the benefit of members and the amateur radio community. Also in January, we braved the chilly conditions and operated Winter Field Day from an amazing historic location owned by our PRA member, Stan-N0KKY. Stan has been so gracious to the PRA and its members by sharing this treasure over the years and it makes for a great venue of radio, fun, and friendship.

We also attended a number of hamfests throughout the year and with no surprise, our tables were usually two or three people deep, with interest in the what was being sold and information about the Club.

Equally exciting were the Portable Ops Events! This showcased our abilities to operate portable, while learning from one another in a variety of different setups.

As Spring rolled into the picture, we participated in several Wings-Over-the-Rockies events where we were able to setup a special event station each time. This was also a great showcase of ambassadorship in amateur radio to the public. Hams from all over the country and world wanted to work W0R and we even created a great QSL card that was shared.

In the summer, we supported a great organization in Pedaling for Parkinson’s by providing reliable and timely communications over a large area for a cycling event. Every year, the event organizers remind us how valuable the amateur radio service is by telling us, “we don’t know how we can ever do this without you.” A true testament to the inherent value of amateur radio in a public service. A major kudos to Bill and Ben for their amazing efforts as net control ops! Speaking of June, we all know that June is the pinnacle of our events with ARRL Field Day. Even though band conditions were not cooperative, the PRA showcased some amazing setups and proved how a lot of hands can make light of heavy work. Great job by all who participated and by Dana, NN0G, our Chair this year.

In August, we participated for the first time in a Self Reliance Expo in Elbert County. What a great it was to showcase various amateur radio technologies for reliable communications when yogurt hits the fan. We were fortunate to garner several new members from that event and we look forward to supporting it in the years to come.

Throughout the year, we held monthly Elmer Nights that were led by several members that gave back of their time, talent and treasures to new or returning ham radio operators. A variety of topics were covered throughout the year and the most well attended were those that we built antennas that people not only got to take home, but put into use! The capstone of the Elmer Nights was the tape-measure YAGI that was put into use at our Chili Social and Fox Hunt event in October.

As you can see, the PRA is ALIVE and ACTIVE and it is the individual contributions, collectively, that continue the snowball effect of great things happening within your organization. Behind the scenes, your PRA Board of Directors has already laid out an amazing plan for 2023 for not only our events, but monthly presentations. A tremendous focus on basics and supporting the new ham radio operator is paramount to our mission, but a response to the feedback we’ve received on what members want. What’s important in this is that members spoke, leadership listened, and action is taken. You’ve probably noticed that a time or two throughout this past year as well; sometimes not at the speed you may have wanted, but remember, your PRA Board not only guards and guides the organization itself, the Board is 100% volunteer, with the primary focus on what is right for the PRA, its members, and amateur radio. We’ve also restructured some committees and we will have more information on those changes in upcoming meetings. A lot goes into running the organizational aspect of the PRA, which leads me to a modify a quote from President John F. Kennedy…

“Ask not what your amateur radio club can do for you – ask what you can do for your amateur radio club.”

Piggybacking off of an ARRL initiative for 2023, we are encouraging all members to take one small step up the ladder. Being in the PRA is one thing; serving the PRA is another. Your service does not need to be anything revolutionary…serve as a net control operator once a year, offer assistance with Field Day, support Elmer Nights and be an ambassador to the newest amateur radio operator. Want to really move mountains? Check in to our weekly nets and get on the air! Offer advice, updates, news, suggestions in these weekly on-the-air opportunities. Being radio active and encouraging others to do so is a huge step in continuing the momentum that the PRA has and we need your support by you sharing your time, talent and treasures in some small way in 2023. You’re only a few weeks away from setting a New Year’s Resolution.

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association

Over the past several months, there has been a resurgence in activity in our communities where public gatherings are becoming the norm and attending packed stadiums and arenas are once again common occurrences. This has held true for the PRA as we have continued to encourage a plethora of ham radio activities each month. Aside from our on-the-air nets and monthly meetings, we have had great Elmering (learning/teaching) events, antenna builds, Fox-Hunts, mountain/hiking climbs, portable operating, Field Day and community communication events where we get to showcase and be ambassadors to the amateur radio service. That desire to be part of a fraternal group while serving our community in some way is what brings a lot of people to the amateur radio service. At the core is service and it is by our individual and group service where we share our time, talents and treasures to make amateur radio captivating to the public.

The various committees in the PRA embody service and the countless hours behind the scenes serving the PRA. For those that are active and directly contribute in a committee and participate in some way, THANK YOU for your passion. It is by your passion that the PRA has been able to grow in membership and service offerings since our founding in 2014. Many hands make light of a heavy burden and there is no doubt that the committees within the PRA make the heavy lifting tasks look easy.

From an organizational standpoint, our leadership team of the PRA (it’s Board of Directors), is a group of volunteers that is nominated and voted into their respective offices every two years. To reiterate, the PRA Board are VOLUNTEERS that not only serve their respective positions with passion and duty, but this collective body always puts what is best for amateur radio at the forefront while guiding and guarding the PRA organization. Yes, the Parker Radio Association is a non-profit business corporation and your elected Board has the obligation to run the organization, based upon Colorado Law structure, in making decisions that not only benefit the members, but the amateur radio service in general. With 250+ members, there are times that decisions simply cannot please every single member. At the same time, too, this Board, sometimes does not always make correct decision in a snapshot of time. Those decisions are not erroneous or taken lightly. Just like our committees, there are countless hours of work, debate, and resolutions that go on behind the scenes monthly. What is refreshing is that this Board is a group of humble volunteers that take responsibility for mistakes, owns those mistakes, and corrects them moving forward. We don’t always get it right the first time; we listen, counsel, debate and agree with one common theme and question at the forefront; is this decision good for amateur radio and for the PRA? Outside of nets, monthly meetings, and monthly Elmer Nights, your elected Board meets at least monthly, over the course of a few hours each meeting, to discuss the current business of the PRA and its future with a clear vision and mission to make the PRA the choice in amateur radio organizations in our region.

That vision and mission is a tall task, but like our committee activities, many hands make light of a heavy burden. If you are not involved, we encourage you to get involved. Getting involved may be confusing or you may not be sure where to begin and that is A-O-K! We want to help you get plugged in so that you can contribute regularly while learning about the amateur radio service. If you have a special skill set, let us know about it because we may be able to tap your talents, and with a little time, be able to share those treasures with other members. If, by chance you catch yourself criticizing more than participating, we need you off the sidelines and in the game with us because you have a lot to offer! To be part of a fraternal group while serving our community in some way brings us together in the common passion of amateur radio. May we continue to hold true to our core belief in individual and group service where we share our time, talents and treasures to make amateur radio captivating to those we service today and in the future.

Dan – N2SRK
Parker Radio Association