"micro" qrp EFHW an...
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"micro" qrp EFHW antenna

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I was looking for a resonant antenna for SOAT/POTA that would match my (tr)uSDX transceiver. 

Heard about this little guy on the DL2MAN forum, I think. 

This is a kit from K6ARK, about $20. It's about as small as you can make a matching transformer, just a bit bigger than the BNC connector. I built it as a multiband EFHW using 22GA poly stealth wire. 

It tunes great on 40m and 20m, less than 1.5:1 SWR across each when I set it up as a sloper in the back yard. 

You can build the same kit into a 1:1 Unun or a random 9:1, just wind the toroid differently. 

I'm throwing it in a smaller go-bag with the (tr)uSDX so I can run straight without a tuner and maybe less effort than my QRPGuys vertical.


Brian reacted
Jed Baer
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 89

You need good eyeballs and a steady hand! 😜 That looks like the female version of this one: Ultimate UL Portable Resonant Antenna Build - DIY Micro End-Fed Halfwave Matching Unit  (YouTube, K6ARK)

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Yep, Jed. Same kit he builds in that video. I may get his 20W version as well for my G90.

Everything is packed tight and getting some of it soldered is a challenge. But it's working really well. I had it out today down in Larkspur and made some good contacts on 20m with the (tr)uSDX.

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