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Where do you get your DMR contact list?

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Jed Baer
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 89
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I just tried to download the "data dump" contact list. File not found. Checked on the radioid.net site, and the data dump page has nothing but a readme file. Could be just a glitch, but it makes me wonder about other good sources. I know, there are many, but my question is whether they're of decent quality. This isn't just an idle question. When I first started getting into DMR, I wasn't aware of how bad the database is, at least for anyone using CSV files. I've talked about this before, but some of the fields allow commas as data, and their CSV files don't enclose fields with quotes. That's why I went to using the JSON list. So, I'm wondering whether some of the sites which are mirroring or in some other fashion are making a contact list available are serving up good data, and how often they're updating.

I hate to sound cheap, but with my tight budget right now, creating a subscription to the radioid data service is low on my list of how to solve keeping my radio updated.

Jed Baer
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 89
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Must've been a temporary glitch - all the files are back at https://radioid.net/database/dumps but I did look around some. Powerwerx claims their download is updated daily, and it's already in the proper format for the Anytone radios, https://powerwerx.com/help/software-downloads - at the bottom. KF5IW has some files, segregated geographically, and also an "all" which "contains all contact data from the official DMR ID registrar plus data from unofficial sources and older data that is not purged" - https://kf5iw.com/contactdb.php which look clean as well. The record number starts at one for each separate file, and I haven't tested to see whether appending multiple files together and importing has trouble with duplicate record numbers.

Scott AK6Q reacted