Looking for Kenwood TS-520's, TS-820's, and T/R599's for restoration or parts. I have several of these and need parts for further restoration. Also looking for a TS-900.
Dave kx3dx, Larkspur
I have a Kenwood TS-930-S that I'm going to put up for sale in the near future. It comes with power cord, Kenwood MC-60 Mic and a Kenwood SP-930 speaker. Let me know if you have any interest.
Joe DSevlin
Hi Joe,/
Yes, I could be interested. Please let me know what the S/N is and what kind of shape the radio is in. Does it have any optional filters?
SN is 2120343
It's in very good shape. I'm a new ham and bought this primarily for cw and ssb. I know it has some filters in it but I can't honestly tell you which ones they are. I'll be more than happy to meet up with you so you can check it out.
Hi Joe,
That's a very early unit but I still may be interested - it all depends on physical shape and if the digital display is stable. When you are ready to sell it, let me know and we can get together so I can take a look.
I'll be at winter field day this Saturday if you want to talk about newer HF gear - plenty of guys will be there to advise on all things ham radio!
Thanks Dave. I won't be able to attend Winter Field Day this year, family things going on.
I just bought a Yaesu 710 that will replace my Kenwood. It's a whole new learning experience. Lookin forward to trying out some modes other than CW and SSB.
FT-710 is one heck of a radio. State of the art performance!
@kx3dx Hello Dave,
I finally decided to put my Kenwood TS-390S up for sale and wanted to give you the first shot at it. I'm asking $320 for it. It comes with the MC-60 Mic and the SP-930 Spkr. Let me know if you're interested and would like to take a look at it.
I've decided to pass on this for right now. I just picked up a TS-950SD and need to take a break from acquisitions.
@kx3dx Dave,
No problem, I get it. I'll probably post it for sale on this forum in the next week or so.