Jason Reilly, who has published web pages with tons of info on the AnyTone DMR radios, posted a note on Facebook on 10/23/2022:
AnyTone tech web pages update; my ISP has decided to cease all web hosting without notice. So, have moved my AnyTone tech pages to new (free, advert free) servers as follows. Please delete old links and replace with these:
AnyTone 578
AnyTone 878
Brad Tombaugh (W0BDT)
Yaesu FT-60R - AnyTone AT-D878UV Plus - AnyTone AT-D578UVIII Pro - Yaesu FT-991A - Diamond X50A - MFJ-2299 - PreciseRF HG-1 "WR" Magnetic Loop Antenna
That's interesting stuff - thanks!
I've gotten the band error, hmmm, don't know whether it's still there, because the radio does everything I want it to, meaning that it doesn't barf on any of the frequencies I have programmed. I remember when I encountered it, because in trying to resolve it, I deleted a few channels way up at the top of the 70cm band, which had no effect, and also tried setting the weather channels to NO TX, and removed them entirely, all to no avail. Setting the "mode" (whatever it's called - I don't remember) of the radio back to, I think, European, allowed me to put all that stuff back, and it all works fine.
I wasn't at all aware of there being updates for the radio other than firmware. I have gotten the text message vs. icon in the past, but it was on the now kaput 868, and hasn't happened on the 878.
I'll have to write a note to myself, somehow coming up with a way to make it magically appear at the proper time, reminding me about the need to replace the RTC battery.
Yeah, I know about NOT storing LiIon batteries at full charge. No, I've never bothered to worry about it. I run my 878 99.9% of the time from the battery eliminator.
Have I mentioned that the voltage regulator for the battery eliminator is in the 12V plug, rather than in the battery case that snaps onto the radio?
I haven't really played much with the options and capabilities, since my 868 went wonky. I'm pretty sure that radio is fine, from a hardware point of view, and somehow it's gotten the firmware corrupted, but I've tried a reset / reload without success. Anyway, buying the 878 was the fix.
Just saw a post on Facebook that Jason Reilly (VK7ZJA) passed away a few days ago. His QRZ page shows him as a "silent key." Apparently he had been battling health issues for some time... RIP...
Several people have commented that they have created mirrors of his comprehensive notes on the AnyTone radios, but we'll have to watch and see if anyone will actively maintain/update the information that he had meticulously collected.
Brad Tombaugh (W0BDT)
Yaesu FT-60R - AnyTone AT-D878UV Plus - AnyTone AT-D578UVIII Pro - Yaesu FT-991A - Diamond X50A - MFJ-2299 - PreciseRF HG-1 "WR" Magnetic Loop Antenna
Thanks for lettings us know. I saved it as a PDF, and also as a local copy. The PDF is OK, but the page layout would benefit from re-formatting.