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Dedicated single-board FT8 transceivers

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QRP Guys DSB (dual sideband) digital FT8 transceiver: ($40)


Midnight Design Solutions digital mode SSB transceiver:  ($50)


AB0L (Formerly N0KAI)
Kenwood TM-V71A, Kenwood TS-590S, Icom ID-4100A, Yaseu FT-891, TYT MD-UV380, TYT MD-380, Kenwood TH-D7A, BTECH UV-5X3, µBITX V5, µBITX V4, QRPGuys 40/30/20m DSB Digital Transceiver

Dan Grady reacted
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The Phaser is SSB not DSB - a big plus.  The DSB one will booger up the other side-band.

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Posted by: @kx3dx

The Phaser is SSB not DSB - a big plus.  The DSB one will booger up the other side-band.

Meh. It's a hobby. We're perfectly entitled to operate DSB FT8. In fact, it wouldn't be difficult to take advantage of the "reversed" LSB signal to improve reception. The QRP guys unit gives you 3 (or more if you like) bands to operate in. You gotta drop another $50 for each band with the Phaser. Phaser puts out 4W whereas the QRP does maybe 1.5W on the usable USB signal. Phaser RF circuit is a better design IMO.

Tradeoffs. That's what makes this a hobby!

AB0L (Formerly N0KAI)
Kenwood TM-V71A, Kenwood TS-590S, Icom ID-4100A, Yaseu FT-891, TYT MD-UV380, TYT MD-380, Kenwood TH-D7A, BTECH UV-5X3, µBITX V5, µBITX V4, QRPGuys 40/30/20m DSB Digital Transceiver

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Didn't mean to make that an acerbic comment - just informational.  If enough FT8'ers use DSB, the PSK32 sub-band would experience substantial interference.  Maybe I'm the only one still using PSK32...

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I must not understand PSK. For example, take 40M FT8. That signal is 50Hz of bandwidth somewhere between 7,074,000Hz and 7,076,000Hz. At the high end, that would be 7,075,950-7,076,000Hz which would make the useless LSB signal be 7,072,000-7,072,050Hz, right? PSK is 7,040,000Hz. That's still over 32kHz away. I've seen a lot of grumbling about the DSB "interference" but I must be missing something as I don't see any bandwidth allocations that fall in the 7,072,000-7,074,000Hz range. LSB voice users, to be sure, but again, it's 50Hz QRM out of a 3kHz voice signal. Trivially easy to hear over, if it's even noticed at all.

The point about volume is a fair one, however. If everyone was doing 40M FT8 DSB, there would be a 2kHz chunk of LSB that voice couldn't use. OTOH, if DSB became that popular, WSJT-X would certainly be modified to take advantage of the inverse LSB signal for improved decoding.

AB0L (Formerly N0KAI)
Kenwood TM-V71A, Kenwood TS-590S, Icom ID-4100A, Yaseu FT-891, TYT MD-UV380, TYT MD-380, Kenwood TH-D7A, BTECH UV-5X3, µBITX V5, µBITX V4, QRPGuys 40/30/20m DSB Digital Transceiver

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40m dx PSK-31 is 7030kc, USB; NA PSK-31 is 7070kc, USB.  Since FT8 is 7074kc, a 2500cy USB signal will have a LSB image at 7071.5kc, right on top of the PSK31 calling frequency.  Or is my in-my-head math wrong?  20M and the other bands are similar.

A ham making a DSB transmitter to play with is fine (actually encouraged!).  Marketing one as a commercial product is irresponsible.  In my opinion, of course...

Dave - kx3dx

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Goes to show I don't know squat about PSK. 😀 

My chart showed 7,040,000Hz. PSK-31 is apparently a different beast? FT8 sub-band ends at 2000Hz to avoid stomping on Olivia. That would make the LSB signal not a direct hit with PSK-31 but awfully close indeed.

Should a PCB and collection of lose electronic parts be considered a commercial product? The number of hams that could actually design their own DSB transceiver is quite small and rapidly growing smaller. I bet well less than half have even touched a soldering iron. Perhaps kits like these can be a gateway to bigger things, even with their known deficiencies?

AB0L (Formerly N0KAI)
Kenwood TM-V71A, Kenwood TS-590S, Icom ID-4100A, Yaseu FT-891, TYT MD-UV380, TYT MD-380, Kenwood TH-D7A, BTECH UV-5X3, µBITX V5, µBITX V4, QRPGuys 40/30/20m DSB Digital Transceiver

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QRP Guys have released a rev2 version of their DSB FT8 transceiver. Dropped the relay for solid state TX/RX switching and added a BCI high-pass filter (I had to roll my own to kill KOA); nice mods. Bigger news is an Si5351A VFO add-on board giving this transceiver 160-17m coverage. Interesting!

AB0L (Formerly N0KAI)
Kenwood TM-V71A, Kenwood TS-590S, Icom ID-4100A, Yaseu FT-891, TYT MD-UV380, TYT MD-380, Kenwood TH-D7A, BTECH UV-5X3, µBITX V5, µBITX V4, QRPGuys 40/30/20m DSB Digital Transceiver
